We Are
Eura Brown Elementary School
We Are
Eura Brown Elementary School
We Are
Eura Brown Elementary School
We Are
Eura Brown Elementary School
About Us
Welcome! We are Eura Brown Elementary School, with about 340 students PreK through 5th grade, located in Gadsden, Alabama. Our school is rooted in a proud history of excellence with two Blue Ribbon awards. Our students, teachers, and families all work together to prepare our students for a successful future, with a strong foundation gained at EBES!
About Us
Welcome! We are Eura Brown Elementary School, with about 340 students Kindergarten through 5th grade, located in Gadsden, Alabama. Our school is rooted in a proud history of excellence with two Blue Ribbon awards. Our students, teachers, and families all work together to prepare our students for a successful future, with a strong foundation gained at EBES!

School News
ALSDE Report Card- EBES 100!
ALSDE Report Cards are out, and we are thrilled to share that Eura Brown Elementary is one of four schools in the entire state to ...
PowerSchool Parent & Student Portal is now available. In order to connect to your student’s account, please go to https://gadsdencs.powerschool.com/public/home.html First time users: Click on ...
District News